Apartments And Geckos


New Member
Central Florida
I am sure that this is a Case-By-Case Topic and each apartment has its own rules and regulation but i just wanted to hear from you all first Hand...

I am Looking to Move out with in the Next Couple Months.. Possibly before Christmas.. but i was wondering everyones Experience with Reptiles and their apartment Complex. I have heard some People have to Hide theres IE. In a Closet, Others dont have a Problem with it... I will be Moving Into a 2 Bedroom apartment and One bedroom will be All Mine and house all My herps. I know i could call the Apartments and ask them and i will but i also wanted to hear everyones experiences. Thanks in advance

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
Our office people are really cool with us having geckos. They find them cute. The manager of the apartment doesn't really care as long as " their are no cricket infestations". He was on me for 2 months every time i got crickets he would give me the same speech till i told him to lay off and that he gets his money every month. Since then no issues. We moved from a 1 bedroom to a 2 bedroom just for the geckos really.


New Member
Well, I have had a lot of experience with apartments and pets in general.
It really will be on a case by case basis, but even if a pet is technically not allowed, it really depends on the "coolness" of the management.
At my very first apartment, there were no pets allowed, at all! For over a year though I had a parakeet, 29 gallon tank and a cat. The last 3 months I lived there my boyfriend bought us a puppy (a pit bull, which unfortunately aren't allowed hardly anywhere) and she stayed there all the time.
My second apartment there was a 2 pet max. We had 2 dogs, 1 cat 2 fish tanks, a parakeet and a chameleon by the time we moved out of there! Again pits weren't allowed, but several other tenets owned them as well.
The third place we had the same as above (minus the cham; he died :() plus two ball pythons, a skink and 3 leos. Again pits were not allowed, nor were exotic pets. We listed her as a boxer mix. That place was a little trickier though. We would hide the animals for "inspections" and such just to be on the safe side. Though most of the management was really cool, there was one lady there that was a total B!! No one had ever said anything to us about our dogs before and I out walking them once when she rolled up on her golf cart. She spotted my dog and stopped and started asking me questions about her. I maintained that she was a boxer mix unknown (which was allowed) and she stared at her for a long while before finally leaving.
Anyway... If you want you can anonymously call around and see who allows what and then decide from there if you want to sneak or not. Some places will also say there is a pet max, meaning dogs and cats, but as long as all other pets are caged securely, then they are okay.
We always paid our bills on time, kept a clean house and never had any neighbor complaints. I think that is a huge reason why they turned their heads when it came to our pets.
Sorry that was so long, but I could probably talk about this all day!


Usually most places seem to care mostly about cats and dogs since they tend to make all the mess or noise. I just moved in this place im at now and they asked if I had any pets and I only told them some fish and they didn't care about that and then someone from management had to come in here while i was at work to let some delivery drivers bring a couch into the apartment and management had to have seen the geckos along with their Feeders in tupperware and havent said a thing about it. I think they mainly care about pets who can cause a mess or annoy neighbors.

M&I Gecko

I lived at a place that wanted a 200 dollar pet deposit for each gecko. I just laughed and moved out soon after.


Happy Gecko Family
I live in an apartment that supposed to be no pets allowed. When I move in, the reception and security person saw my glass tanks and just asked what I'm keeping in those. I said geckos and they're all cool about it.


New Member
best bet is to keep em in a breeding rack. the tub type setup. I never told my rent agents. This way if the guys come to work on your place they don't really see em and it's not an issue. Also, if you use roaches as feeders just come up with another name, I think someone on here decided Armour crickets was more fitting for the black dubias or however you spell it.

That being said when my gas man comes round he always has a go with my kids. Wait...that sounded bad. he enjoys handling my leopard and crested geckos. It's awesome to see a 60 year old redneck get giddy over herps.


New Member
Central Florida
Thanks alot Guys... Sounds like i should have No prob.. I havent called yet but will soon. I do keep My Geckos in a rack system so that should help out a bit.. i will also be keeping the geckos in the New gecko room... I convinced the girlfriend to getting the 2br and i will pay the difference... or most of it...

Retribution Reptiles

Stripe King
NE Ohio
excellent Ben. you will totally love the extra room for the geckos. i wouldn't doubt if you have probably the same amount of geckos that i have and it's amazing. i have 30ish including hatchlings.


New Member
Central Florida
Thanks I was Super Excited when I found out..
I have about 25-30 adults/Juvies and This year so far i have had about 40-50 hatchlings. This has been my best year so far mainly because i have more animals and have been able to spend more money on building my collection but i have been Keeping and breeding Geckos and reptiles since i was 10. I got my first clutch and hatchings when i was 10 and havent looked back lol.. over the last couple years i have average about 10-20 hatchlings a year.


New Member
Central Florida
Just counted i have 26 adults/juvies and 46 hatchlings on the year and 8 more clutches to go. (I didnt wanna seem like i didnt know how many animals i have lol :p )


New Member
Aw I'm happy for you.

I told you it shouldn't be a problem. Most places don't care as long as they're contained and don't create a problem to other tenants.


New Member
My current place doesn't allow geckos but I have them anyways and they don't seem to care. My next place allows reptiles/fish but no mammals of any kind. Cool/Weird.

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