Aptors, raptors, eclipses, confusion...


New Member
Let's see if I understood it... I would like you people to help me; I will expose what I think about these morphs, and you correct me if I'm wrong:

Non-albino aptor: line-bred trait that consists in a super hypo tang with a kind of stripped tail.

Aptor: the same as before but the albino version.

Black eyes: self-explanatory, but I don't how is this trait inherited, see the "snake eyes"

Red/ruby eyes: albino version of the black eyes.

Snake eyes: This is what confuses me the most. Snake and red/black eyes are not independent traits. I think it's the same trait as the black/red eyes but the spot sometimes covers the whole eye, and sometimes doesn't. I mean, the snake eyes are recessive, but it takes luck and line-breeding to get the spot on the right place. Other possibility I though it's that it would be a co-dominant trait and the snake eyes are the heterozigous form, but I don't think it's that easy, everybody would be crazy about them if they were.

Raptor: aptor with red eyes.

Eclipse: non-albino raptor.

And another question: Are red/black/snake eyes independent of the aptor mutation?

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
I'm certainly no expert on these - but I think I can help you out. I don't own or breed them...so if I have something wrong I'm sure someone will set us straight.

Non-albino APTOR - is commonly refered to as a PRS (patternless redstripe) outside of the Tremper bloodline. I don't know the pattern of inheritence, but it pops up in redstripe x redstripe breedings as well as redstripe x reverse stripe (I think).

APTOR - same thing as the PRS, only albino.

Eclipse/Ruby/Snake eyes - You're right in saying ruby eyes are the albino version of the eclipse (black) eyes. As far as the snake eyes goes, it's a bit of a mystery.....lots of ideas being thrown around, but no real answers yet. As far as I'm aware, it (the eye trait in general) acts more recessive than co-dom. It may be line-breedable to create more black pigment....I think it might be a case like line-breed hypos - you'll get a variation of pigment concentration no matter what (with barely snake-eyes being like a reduced pattern to the eclipse being like a super hypo and more desireable). No one knows yet if the eye trait is linked to the RAPTORS...but from what I've seen lately I'm betting it's not!

RAPTORS - right.

Eclipse - yup.


New Member
Grinning Geckos said:
Non-albino APTOR - is commonly refered to as a PRS (patternless redstripe) outside of the Tremper bloodline.

Thanks for your help Shanti. I wasn't that wrong after all.

Now I would like to know how the red stripe mutation is inherited. I thought it was a line-breed trait but I have read all sorts of opinions and I don't know what to think now. Anyone working with red stripes?


New Member
Great topic! I am always cnfused about the rapte/apter genes. Shanti has made it almost clear to me lol. one question...has there eve been a red eyed snake eye?


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
I believe someone here also has a BB with snake eyes. Now we still don't know if the Tremper snake eye/eclipse eye, and the blizzard snake eye/eclipse eyes are related to each other. I really hope not and that there are two different genetics at work here. The Tremper Eclipse and Snake eyes are believed to be linked to a striped body pattern.


New Member
Quoting from Kelli in other thread:

Stripe X Normal = Normal Het Stripe
Normal Het Stripe X Normal Het Stripe = approx 25% Stripe
Stripe X Het Stripe = 50% Stripe

I've used both bold stripes and red stripes and gotten the same results.

Therefore, are raptors a triple recessive morph with some line bred additions? (red stripe -recessive trait but line bred to have fewer spots- x Tremper albino x red eyes -possibly line bred to make the spot cover the entire eye if snake eyes and red eyes are the same morph-)

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
That is assuming that the red eyes are not linked in some way to the PRS trait.

The PRS morph is different from a Redstripe. Redstripes hatch out looking a bit like a hypo-ish stripe, and the dark stripes quickly turn red/orange. In the PRS hatchlings, they have little (small splotches) to no pattern. I don't fully understand how or why they pop up - but I do know they are related to Redstripes.

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