my gal is fully grown now and she just seems ridiculously lazy... before, i would take her out and she would run allover the place, try to escape, etc. now she just lays still wherever i put her and closes eyes hahaha... is this normal?
Or maybe it knocked some sense into her. Ever read the Kid's book Verdi, about a green tree snake? He had a similar experience, 'cept he liked to sling himself into the air and turn circles. He had a bad crash, and played Mr. Cautious after that. Maybe your girl is doing something similar.
HAHA aww... yeah i guess so. she doesn't do anysuicide dives anymore, lol.. she still eats, drinks, poops and sheds just fine so i guess nothing is wrong
Ah you're still young yet, you'll find out that as you age you DEF. slow down, more reserved, and cautious. Maybe that is a trait that crosses all the species barriers.
Most are more calm when they grow up. But Beau was hyper, Fae is pretty hyper (but very calm when you pick her up) but Rose is very calm.
I think it all depends on the leo. For exaple Beau was hyper but if you pick him up he was chill, same with Fae she walks around but if you pick her up she's really calm.
I think they just get calm because theyve been dealt with and by humans all their lives, theyre bound to be used to it by the time their adult so just more relaxed.