Are locusts dangerous for leopard geckos ?


New Member

I have been having a leopard gecko for a month now, he is 2 years old, and apparently needs time to get settled well.
Therefore, he is not eating much, but I am seing improvements I think, yesterday he hunted and ate 4 crickets, and he never caught so many of them at a time.
But I plan to give him different kind of insects to keep him stimulated, and not bored.
He does not seem to like mealworms much (bearly eating them), and I wonder if I could try locusts since he prefers crickets over worms.
The adult locusts look to big in my opinion (eventhough I watched videos about gecko eating some on youtube), so I consider to give him medium locsuts.

But can medium locusts harm the gecko with their legs ?
Can they harm his skin (toes, eyes, tail) and attack him, or harm him inside his mouth (palate) after he has caught them ?

I always feed my insitects at least 24hours before giving them to the gecko, I never keep the insects for to long in the tank anyway, and I always leave some food for hungry ones inside, but still, locusts' legs are worrying me.
I could pull it off, but I find it cruel, I don't think I am going to do that.

Thx for any advice
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Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
You could always just remove the hind legs if youre worried. Snap them off or use a scissors to cut it off but otherwise a healthy adult gecko can easily tackle a locust


New Member
It is not really about moral, and I am not judging people doing that.
I just can't do it myself, I think I can't...

If the gecko does not eat the loccust whose legs have been cut off, will it die ?
Or will it survive for an other possible dinner time ? I don't want to waist insects, locusts are more expensives.

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