Are Rainwater Albinos Sensitive to Bright Light?


New Member
Washington State, USA
Hey guys, I have a possibly confusing question for ya!

I'm under the impression that albino leopard geckos are often more sensitive to bright lights than their non-albino counterparts. I used to own a Tremper/bell (pet shop origin) gecko who would close her eyes in bright light and was actually at least partially blind, and being back in the market for a leo, I don't want one with these problems again, but I love the look of RW leos. So I guess my question is: do rainwater albino leopard geckos have light sensitivity issues? I've noticed that Tremper/bell albinos have pink eyes and rainwater/Las Vegas albinos have darker eyes, so is it the eye color that plays a roll in their vision/light sensitivity?

Thanks in advance. ;)

P.S. I'm no breeder, just a future gecko owner with a newb question. :)

Music City Geckos

New Member
All albino leopard geckos have difficulty with bright light. If you look at a previous post of mine, I just hatche'd out an albino and I have yet to see her with her eyes open. I do believe though that this is something they get used to. Not fully used to but my other albinos tolerate light just not direct light. Hope this helps.


New Member
Washington State, USA
Thank you Music City Geckos!!

Very helpful. Hmm... if it's something they get used to, I might be okay with that. Do you think it affects their personalities much? Like, if they don't like lights as much they might not be as social/willing to come out of hiding? I really love tangerines too, and they're not albino, so I might go for one of those. They also seem cheaper, hah. :)

Tongue Flicker

Hardcore Animal Lover
Madina't Isa, Bahrain
All nocturnal geckos are sensitive to bright light. Some tolerate it but the 3 albino strains in general are more shunned by bright light..
Careful with exposing them to too bright light for prolonged periods though as besides eye damage, it may or may not trigger the ES gene

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