ARGH! Computer Crash..


New Member
Earlier I was fine surfing the net listening to my iTunes Library, playing the Sims2. Yada, Yada, Ya. All of a sudden it freezes a little I'm like ok whateva too many programs at one time so I try to close a few and they won't. Ok fine you wanna be subborn go ahead I click on the task manager to close them and that FREEZES..

Now I restart my comp. thinking everything is going to be chipper but NOPE the whole freaking system crashed!!! I call dell in a hurry they look at the problem I tell them everything on the screen and he's like yeah it seems to have crashed. You have two options 1) order a new XP disc and get it in the mail in about a week or 2) we can reinstall windows.

I'm in college and i'm on my comp. everyday checking email studying online, etc so a week without my comp. would be difficult since the school comps. SUCK and never work when you need them to.

So i'm like ARGH! fine go ahead and reinstall. Since my warranty expired i have to pay $40 for the installation and their help or whateva. FINE! after paying $600 + on books the week before now i have to pay for this CRAP are you kidding ME.

He does his little magic, partically hacks into my comp. with that Dell Connect crap. And now I have to start all over because all my files are GONE!!! 2,000+ songs on iTunes GONE!!! My Sims Legacy GONE!!! All my pictures GONE!!! funny thing is that since I had started saving things on my comp. like music and pictures I was thinking lemme get some cds and back them up which i was going to do this week BUT NO the FREAKING SYSTEM wants to CRASH!!!


ARGHHHHHHHHH i just had to vent, i'm not so happy right now.


New Member
Lake Berryessa/Napa, Calif
If you had the Xp disk I bet if you ran repair windows it would have fixed a few corrupted files and you would not have lost anything. Maybe you should pay for the cd for next time it happens.


New Member
San Jose, CA
also a lot of the time if you press F8 after you restart your comp and choose the option <Load Last known good configuration> that fixes a lot of issues.

also rebooting in safemode w/ networking and running online virus/spyware scans *,* clearing all temp/internet restarting comp in normal mode.

.....i can list 20 other things that could have been done before a re-install ;) but it is useless now that you have already lost everything..... I would invest in an external hard drive to back up music and other files.. as for School documents. I take advantage of Google Doc's for a lot of my work related files... you can upload them straight to your google doc account via sign up its free. pretty cool stuff man.. Google is going to take over the world. be ready.


That really sucks that you lost all of your data
I know that when nothing seems to work-it is very easy to just restore everything back to factory specs but an external HD is invaluable for file back ups

I have an 80 gig HD on both of my laptops (my first desktop had a 12 gig HD) and I have two external HD's-1 400 gig and 1 250 gig

I bought these before the price on a 500 gig came down to $119-my friend just bought a new one last week for that price and it is a Western Digital and it works great

I know that it is an added expense but believe me-the next time that you have major computer problems-having all of your important files/programs backed up will be just like the commercial...............priceless

Also-I upload every pic that I want to save to or you can use any of the other numerous free image storage sites out there

Hope that your computer continues to behave


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