B.Dubia LOW , LOW Prices,Free Shipping.5000ct $385 Shipped



I feel I raise the Highest Quality Feeders on the market. The Gutload I use and make is the Best out there Bar None( feel free to contact me for more details),Over 55+ Human Grade Ingredients goes into my Formulas( that does not include any Vitamins or fillers) , so NO short cuts here. So you know you are getting the best feeders for your money. I have several Animals I feed my feeders too and I want them to only get the best, most healthy feeders on the market.

I have following Qtys of Duiba for sale. Dubia are a non glass climbing species that make a Excellent feeder for many types of animals. I have Bulk lots of smalls for sale as well which is an excellent way to get large qtys at a reasonable price. Contact me for bulk lot pricing.

100ct X-Smalls/Smalls which will be 1/8"-5/16"=$20.00 Shipped

100ct Medium which will be 3/8"-3/4"=$25.00 Shipped

100ct Large which would be 1"-1 3/4"=$30.00 Shipped

125ct Mixed X-Small/Small, Med., Lrg(2 Adult Pair included)=$30.00 Shipped

500ct X-Small/Smalls= $60.00 SHIPPED

1000ct X-Small/Smalls= $105.00 SHIPPED

5000ct X-small/Smalls= $450 SHIPPED Next Day. SALE $385 Shipped next day!!! Only 2 Lots at this price.

Extra Adult Pairs for $1.15ea.

Feel free to contact me about Bulk Lots.

All my roaches are Shipped in Sturdy Plastic Containers, not just boxes. Prices do not include Shipping unless Noted, please contact me for an exact shipping quote and don't forget a Zip. I offer all USPS shipping options as well.

I have 100% Live Arrival Guarantee as well as Generous Over-Counts.

Sorry no Fla. sales.

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