B L A P T I C A - D U B I A - R O A C H E S

Food For The Reptile Community

Cockroaches are becoming a very popular feeder choice for those in the reptile industry. Individual roach species vary somewhat in size, breeding pattern and ability to climb surfaces, but in general they are easy to keep and contain, relatively odorless and prolific breeders. Their meat to shell ratio is high, providing a good amount of food per prey item.

We have some of the best prices on dubia out there. If we don't have them available we will find them and get them to you. Your order is our priority. We offer shipping most days of the week (usps). We offer live arrival guarantee. If roaches are dead upon arrival we will need photo proof within 24 hours of delivery. We do not ship to Florida. Order may be delayed by us for any reason.
Dubia Roaches

Small Dubia
50 - $13
100 - $20
200 - $36
500 - $80
1000 - $140

Medium Dubia
50 - $15
100 - $24
200 - $44
500 - $100
1000 - $180

Large Dubia
50 - $18
100 - $30
200 - $56
500 - $130
1000 - $240

Mixed Dubia
50 - $16
100 - $26
200 - $48
500 - $110
1000 - $200


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