Baby Crested geckos for sale or trade


New Member
I have here 3 baby crested geckos all in mint condition and being raised by them selves. no nipped fingers or tails. All are feeding on crested gecko diet with a few small dubia once a week. These are from my Red/Dalmation project.
Red female and Dalmation male. These guys came out with a standard crested gecko pattern but very nice quality. They are pretty calm when handled to move into a clean tub to be raised in every 2 weeks.

I am asking $30 each or $75 for all 3.

Looking for a sex'd pair of gargs I am willing to add cash to balance out the trade.

I am located in hoboken new jersey but can meet anywhere in north jersey nyc or long island. I wont be at the white plains show i will be on vacation. They can be picked up at my home just email me to set up a date and or time. I am willing to ship for sale or trade but the last time I shipped for a trade i never got my animals :(

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