baby gecko wot eat



so i just bought this really cool gecko from petco. the only problem is that its about 2 inches big. and my girl friend who's has had a gecko longer said its really young. it gets along with my other geckos fine. but its not eating. the guy said hes been feeding them lil' crickets. but he/shes not eating them. i've move it to its own area and sti nothing. should i try worns or just pray? and she is trying to get the crickets tho.


New Member
maybe it will take a couple day's for him because he just move to a new place and maybe he's stress ... Leave some crickets with him and give him a couple days without moving him too much


New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
warthog2t0 said:
so i just bought this really cool gecko from petco. the only problem is that its about 2 inches big. and my girl friend who's has had a gecko longer said its really young. it gets along with my other geckos fine. but its not eating. the guy said hes been feeding them lil' crickets. but he/shes not eating them. i've move it to its own area and sti nothing. should i try worns or just pray? and she is trying to get the crickets tho.

By "moving it to its own area" do you mean a separate tank? New geckos need to be quarantined (isolated) for 60-90 days to make sure that it has no infections or parasites that can be passed on to your other leos. Especially since you got the gecko from a petstore, where infections and parasites have a history of occuring. Also, you should not keep baby geckos in the same tank as bigger geckos. They can 1) attack them 2) bully them and 3) the baby may be too intimidated to eat, thinking the food belongs to the older gecko. Also, males housed together will fight to the death, and housing males with females could lead to little baby geckos, which is a lot to handle.

Geckos take a little time to get used to their new surroundings. They are very prone to stress and do not eat if they are feeling stressed out. Because of that, it could take a couple days or even up to 3 weeks before he/she eats anything. The best thing to do is to leave it alone as much as possible and give it a few options for food. Crickets and mealworms are good to use, but you need to dust with calcium and gutload (feed the feeders). My leo would not eat mealworms but pounced on the crickets the second I tried those. If you are feeding crickets, you need to make sure not to leave the crickets in the tank for longer than an hour. If they are in there too long, they could eat and bite at your gecko and stress him out even more.

Another issue is the geckos actualy surrounding. They may not eat if they do not have a safe place to hide, poor temperature, etc. If you could give us a complete list of your entire tank and actual temps we could help you a lot easier.

And oh yeah, welcome to the forum!
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