Baby Mandarin and Hot Moose

Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
Here are two males hatched is a Hot Moose Giant, the other, the first son of Mandarin. Obviously, his colors will change dramatically in the coming weeks. (The Hot Moose baby is from the brightest-colored Hot Moose we've ever seen, so this boy could really be something special.)

What was most amazing is the Mandarin Tang was huge, as big as a month old juvie! Fully developed and very strong and mature for a hatchling.

The egg in this pic at the 1:00 position is a (Ronnie) Super Giant Sunglow male. The egg gets bigger by the day so this baby could be enormous. It isn't due to hatch for a week yet, but it appears to almost be ready now.

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Designer Geckos

Boulder, CO
We still can't get over how huge that Mandarin Tang was out of the egg.

We are really excited about the Hot Moose Giants and SGs we'll produce this year. We spent a lot of time getting the best we could find for our breeding stock. The female that produced the baby in this pic is by far the brightest most colorful HM I've ever seen, and she is producing really well in just her first year.

Our HM SGs should really be something. The father is Moosie, 11 1/2 in long...he's listed on our collection page, and the HM SG female is amazing and is the only Striped Hot Moose SG in existence as far as we know. She has two perfect parallel orange stripes running all the way down her back. Stunning gecko....11 in long. We hope to get a few Striped HM SGs from this pairing.

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