Baby Steps...kinda long


New Member
NE Ohio
I realize this probably sounds lame to a lot of people, but for me it was a small victory. Last night I was able to get our two little Bold Stripe Bell hatchlings to eat. We had witnessed all the hets eating just fine, but the two visuals have such sensitive eyes that they would just sit in the back of the tubs, and didn't seem to be hunting at all.
I tried hand feeding by holding food in tongs, but as soon as I pulled the tub out, they would close their eyes. I can't turn the lights off to feed them because obviously I can't see in the dark.
I came up with a plan. I put them in the light box one at a time. I faced it so the back was to the lamp in the room. It made it dark enough for them to be able to see, but I was able to see them. They didn't go for crickets because they were too fast, or in the tongs they didn't move enough. Then I tried mealies. I didn't dust them or anything so there was a good color contrast against the white in the box. They took notice then what seemed like an eternity later ate a mealworm. I decided to put a dish in each of their tubs since now I know they recognize them as a food item. The ones in the tubs are dusted so they will also get their vitamins. I will have to see if there are any gone when I get home from work this morning.
Even if they didn't eat any on their own, at least I know how to get them to eat now.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
I don't think that's lame at all, Angelicka! :main_no: I'm always a little concerned until those little hatchlings start to eat regularly, cause they're so tiny. I'm glad your Bells ate. Congrats! :)


New Member
New Jersey
I agree with Maurice, I don't think it is lame at all!!! I would be happy too if I were you!!! Congrats on getting them to eat and I hope they start eating for you on their own now :main_thumbsup:


It's a BEAUT Clark!
Not lame at all! I can definitely understand, and am sure a sigh of relief followed their first meals :) I have found that dubia nymphs are a great first feeder for hatchlings due to the fact that they attract attention perfectly, and aren't super spooky like the adults. Not one of my hatchlings have turned them down.


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
Not lame at all. I stress about every baby and their first meal. I always put a mealworm dish with mealworms in the shoebox when they are first born so they get used to the worms being in there. When i see their first poop from their first shed I then take 10 meals from the dish and throw them at the entrance to their hide. 3 days later I will have normal poops from 99% of the hatchlings and I just put the meals in their dish from then on. We keep all the hatchlings in a dark room that has little natural light during the day and is pitch black at night. Hope this helps and congrats :)


New Member
Austin, TX
Not lame at all.
I know I was a wreck when I first got Kalila as a baby and she refused to eat for a week.

Samir, Faraz and Yasser did not have that problem... they were piggies from hour one

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