Baby vs Adult colorations


New Member
Hello! I am new to the forums and new to the world of leos. I have two beautiful panther chameleons right now and have been researching leos for a few days now and have a few questions.

I see photos of the colorations of what is being labeled a 'baby regular leopard gecko,' however, they don't have spots but rather stripes and patches. I love there colorations and want them to stay that way. Do their colorations change as they mature into adulthood include the normal yellow and black spots?

For example: I'm looking at this baby leo

and it has more or less large patches of brown/black. Will the colorations change over time to the spotted colors?

What about this one? Would it too loose its patches?

Is the big apple pet supply and reptimart both good places to buy from? What are your recommendations?


New Member
NE Ohio
If you are looking for something that is not going to change in coloration then you need to look for an adult, or something close to adult size. As far as I know there are no morphs that keep solid bands on the body. All normals will get the speckled stripes. The other one you were looking at is a hypo. As it gets older the stripes will become extremely faint or disappear altogether. I have not purchased anything from Big Apple herps. I will say I question the bullet point that says the normals are available in 15 designer colors. "Normal" is a description of the coloration of what is typically found in the wild. I have never purchased anything from the bells via their online reptimart store, therefore have nothing to offer. I know there are other people on here that have done business with them, and can give you a fair assessment. IMO for the type of animal you are looking for you might be best off going to a local show. Usually it is only a few dollars to get into the show. The breeders should be able to show you the differences in the colorations between the different morphs and different ages. You can usually find a normal or hypo tang for $20-$30 as well. If you don't see anything you like at the show in your price range at least you will better know what to expect when you do order something online.


Winchester, UK
normally the bands break up into tiny spots but they do normaly keep the shapes just spotty.
i think its so amazing watching them change though, its so much fun :D
id go for the hypo if you want somthing thats going to be little more intresting as it changes.
i think they are all beautiful :)

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