Bad Mood and Good Mood At The Same Time


New Member
A few of you that know me, Know that me and my husband have been trying to buy our own house for a long time now. We are tired of putting money in land lords pockets that don't even know how to do their job. We have been moving from house to house because we always end up having some sort of problem. Usually with the land lord. Well we are trying again because we moved in with my sister and her family and are splitting rent and utilities with them. They don't want to live hear any more. I really don't either but they have somewhere else to go and we have very little options.

It's hard to find a place to rent that allows dogs. I will not give them up for anything. Our only option is to move in with my parents until we can figure something out. My parents live in a small trailer with lots of "kids" 4 dogs. (now you know where I get it from LOL) I have 3 dogs myself, along with 3 cats, and a bunch of lizards. it's going to be tight but they say they don't mind and we will make it work. We have done it before only with less animals.

Hopefully we won't be there to long. We are working on getting a loan from countrywide. We still have to approve for the loan but my realtor says it looks good and we should be able to get it. Just have to call and get some letters of credit from the cable and electric company stating that I pay my bills on time. Which I do, so it should not be a problem. Cable company is giving me a hard time, But I talked to the manager and she is supposed to be fixing the problem.

so I'm in a bad mood because I really don't know how it's going to work out at my parents but I'm in a good mood because we may finally own our own home in the near future. (if all go's as planed) And after all that is what we wanted. Just wish we could have had a little more of a heads up that my sister and her family were moving. We can't afford the rent and utilities here on our own. It's a huge house and cost 1500 a month with an outrageous electric bill.

Thanks for listening to my rant if you made it this far you deserve a cookie!


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Ok, I want my cookie! ;)

I know you didn't want to have to move back in with mom and dad, but it's a move in the right direction. Save up a little money and get that house you want. I really hope you guys get it!!!


New Member
Thanks Felicia! Yeah It will be better in the long run. We have the money saved up. Well most of it anyway. Enough to cover closing costs.

Oh Yeah ::hands you a cookie::


New Member
I've heard nightmare stories about NJ... I like my nice, cheap living here in OK! I'm glad your parents don't mind the critters - that would make things really interesting if they had an aversion to herps. I hope that you find a really nice place that you can buy soon. Good luck!


New Member
I bought a condo 9 years ago and the value is 2.5x as much as I paid.... no nightmare here ;) Buy in 2007 is a different story in NJ, but it's a buyer's market !


Leopard Gecko Addict
Good Luck Brandy. I grew up in and have been in NJ for most of my life. I have also lived in FL, NY, and VA while in the military. Although I don't plan on staying in NJ, I will always hold a special place for this state in my heart.


New Member
Thanks guys! It is really expensive here. The only reason I stay here is because I can't leave my family. My husband told me not long ago that he would like to move out of state. I got pretty upset and said I wasn't going lol. He said "You better find some way to make us rich then, because in a few years I better be either rich or in a state where you don't have to be rich to survive."

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