Bad shed?


New Member
View attachment 46918 My Leo shed two days ago and kinda seems like he thinks hes done but he still has to peel off like his entire face pretty much like the top of his head and he has this little strand of skin near his eye that keeps going in it and he squints and licks his eye but doesn't really try and get it off. I'm keeping his moist hide very wet so that's not a problem and he's still only a couple months old or so so I can't really try and help him or anything without him getting weirded out. Is this a real problem? Should i try and let it fix on its own? I just hate watching his eye bothered and such. Is it necessary that I help? It may be hard to see in this picture but theres a little strip on top of his head that can easily come off and it'll basically peel everything off from that one spot and you can kind of see the little strip of skin off his eye that I'm talking about. if needed tell me and i will outline the spots I'm talking about on Paint to help show. thank you


New Member
Glendale, AZ
if he will stay calm for you, just pick him up and rub it gently with a moist q-tip, see if you can get it off :) i don't think its harmful, but its probably annoying him since its on his face. He might be thankful for the help, but on the other hand, if he poops on you, I'm not the one who told you do do it! :p Just kidding, but do try the moist q-tip thing. i do that with mine if they have some "extra" that wont come off :main_yes:

Justin E.

New Member
I just did the qtip technique with my leos leg. I got home from vacation and he had stuck shed around the middle. Looked like he had just shed so I waited. This morning I woke up and his leg was swollen. Quickly qtip and watered it and it came off after a bit and the swelling went down immediately.

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