Ball Pythons


New Member
1.1 %100 het Proven Albinos Male = 1650grams Female= 1988 grams 7 eggs this year $525.00 Shipped I got these guys in 2007

1.0 07 proven breeder Spider 1344 Grams 300 Shipped

1.0 07 proven breeder Yellow Belly 1538 grams 175 Shipped

0.1 07 Normal Proven breeder 1685 Grams 150 shipped

0.2 10 Yellow bellys one is 178 one is 180 grams Hatch dates 7/11/10 and 7/12/10 175.00 Shipped

1.0 10 Cinny Male 102 grams Hatch date 7/30/10 150.00 Shipped

1.0 10 Super pastel 105 grams Hatch date 8/30/10 475.00 shipped

2.1 10 pastels MaleP02c04 Hatch date 7/30/10 130grams 115.00 Shipped
MaleP02co5 Hatch date 8/5/10 109grams 115.00 shipped
FemaleP01c05 Hatch date 8/5/10 150 grams 175.00 Shipped

1.0 10 Albino 325.00 shipped he has ate two times and I will feed him aleast once more

1.0 10 Mojave 200.00 shipped I also have 0.2 females I might let one go.

0.2 normal female 25 Each plus shipping
1.1 %66 het albino 50 for the pair Plus shipping
Discounts if you buy more than one snake.
Email me for any pics or weights you want

Fedex certified
Paypal Verified

Best way to get ahold of me is to call 419-905-8116

[email protected]

Thanks Rick




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