Bearded dragon diet care sheet


Shy Member
Hello everyone, this is my diet information about bearded dragons.

For baby dragons hatchling to 7 weeks
hatchling - Just feed them 2 weeks old crickets 4 times a day for the next 2 weeks.

2 weeks old - Just feed them 3 weeks old crickets 3 times a day for the next 3 weeks

5 weeks old - just keep feeding them 4 weeks old crickets 3 times a day until they become 7 weeks but start entroducing veggies. you can buy a vegi mix from fresh and easy or other super market.

8 weeks old to adults - I have an 5 weeks cycle of food diet for juvies to adults because some beardies that eats the same food all the time becomes over weight, obesity can reduce their life span. I always try to diversify my feeders for my pets to make sure they will get all the nutrients they need.

day 1 - feed them 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day and put veggie bowl with water inside their cage.
day 2 - meal worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 3 - 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 4 - wax worm 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 5 - 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 6 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 7 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with vegie bowl

second cycle

day 1 - feed them 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day and put veggie bowl with water inside their cage.
day 2 - giant worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 3 - 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 4 - silk worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 5 - 5 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 6 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 7 - hissers roaches 2 times a day with vegie bowl

third cycle

day 1 - feed them 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day and put veggie bowl with water inside their cage.
day 2 - giant worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 3 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 4 - silk worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 5 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 6 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 7 - hissers roaches 2 times a day with vegie bowl

fourth cycle

day 1 - feed them 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day and put veggie bowl with water inside their cage.
day 2 - giant worms 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 3 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 4 - Horn Worms 1 times a day with veggie bowl
day 5 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 6 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 7 - hissers roaches 2 times a day with vegie bowl

fifth cycle

day 1 - feed them 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day and put veggie bowl with water inside their cage.
day 2 - super worms 1 times a day with veggie bowl
day 3 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 4 - Horn worms 1 times a day with veggie bowl
day 5 - 6 weeks crickets 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 6 - dubia roaches 2 times a day with veggie bowl
day 7 - juvie hissers roaches 1 times a day with vegie bowl

Just repeat this 5 cycle and you will have a healthy dragon make sure to add calcium powder on the feeders when feeding them to your dragon. You don't have to follow the whole thing this is just to give you idea about their diet so you can make your own diet cycle for your pet dragon :).

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