I know its not gecko related but I thought someone might have an answer for me. I have a gravid female @ 3 yrs old 425 grams. Hasn't missed a meal in forever. The issue is she laid a clutch of eggs(26) @ 3-4 weeks ago and is now stuffed with another batch. I can see them rippling down her sides. Shes in a 75 gallon tank with a plastic tub approx. 2 ftx8"x 16"(l,d,w) anyways I put her in it last week to see if she was ready to drop her eggs and she started digging right away. I thought everything was going to be ok. I went to work and came home and she hadn't dropped her eggs and was sleeping on her branch. I thought maybe she wasn't ready yet no problem. SO I let her rest for a couple of days and put her back in the tub again she starts digging right away. When I came home from work again this time I noticed she had pulled off wore down 3 of her nails on her front toes on both feet. I looked her over and she is also missing the long toe on her back foot. Is this even close to normal. This is her 4th clutch. since last yr when she just started to drop eggs. Shes still eating well and is alert. The media for her tub is play sand thats slightly dampend. almost holds together when you make a ball out of it. SO now I'm worried about her being bound up and her toes. I tried to put her in topsoil thinking it might be softer for her be she dug for awhile and then slept...Any suggestions?