beardie care links/eggs etc


New Member
Seminole, Fl
I thought this would be the best place to ask. I'm sending my friend to this board, but her two females ended up a pair so now she has a gravid female. I did a brief search and I just don't have the bator room/rack space for all those babies should she decided to incubate and keep all until finding homes for them. But I have a bator I can lend her. So I'm looking for some links I can send her about care/eggs/hatchlings etc and the best set ups for babies etc. Thanks.


Hi Marlo-
Ending up with a m/f combination when purchasing two Beardies (especially as unsexed babies) is not uncommon-lol
Your friend can choose to freeze some of the clutches if she cannot handle all of the babies that one female will put out in one season
The first clutches are usually the strongest and healthiest so incubating from those would be my advice should she decide not to incubate them all

As for incubating them-your hovabator will do just fine
In the past - I have set up a homemade incubator with a heat pad in a styro container and a small dish of water for humidity and hatched Beardie babies out with np's

Their eggs are not near as sensitive to temp fluctuations as Leos are but they should not be incubated at very high temps as there have been problems reported with doing so
General incubation temps are 83 to 84 degrees for a period of around 3 months duration

I just typed INCUBATING BEARDED DRAGON EGGS into my browsers search and his was the first link that I came up with
It looks very comprehensive

Hope this helps


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