Beardie - The loner (lots of typing)


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
So somehow I got convinced on taking in 4 baby bearded dragons from someone that made a comment about just throwing them away (i think that was an empty threat but did not want to chance it).

Since I was not expecting them for the time being all four are in a 10 gallon tank with a:

Basking light (UV/heat bulb)
reptile carpet
bunch of branches/logs to climb on
slate of rock

Actually I was surprised to see how small they are (about as big as my thumb) considering I've only seen them as adults prior to this.

Anyways, im in the process of ordering several 50 gal long tanks for the other animals currently in my house hold and plan on getting 2 more for these guys within the month (2 beardies for each 55 long)

I've been feeding them dusted pin head to small sized crickets (checking the small crickets to make sure they are no bigger than width of their heads). I've read not to give them meal worms until they are at least several months of age (they are 1 month currently I believe). I've also been leaving pieces of collard greens and kale but they only touched it once (probably more out of curiosity)

If anything ive written so far is incorrect please let me know.

The other question i have is that so far they all seem to be doing ok. I've noticed though that 3 of them will all hang out on the top of a particular log near the basking light and one in particular is always on the floor.

The one that is always separate from the group looks to have a little tail damage close to the end of his tail but it looks healed over and whole. just a little zig zag towards the end.

Outside of that he seems healthy and he is eating. Also, at least from watching them for 4 days straight they are not fighting, no head bobbing. Just one instance of hand waving but I dont remember which one was doing it.

The tail thing was something he already had when i got him.

Prior to that the 4 that i have were all bunched up together with about 30 other siblings in one tank so im assuming that the tail thing happened in there at one point.

This is really the first time i've had several animals in one tank so I do not know what this means. Will this become a problem for the outcasted one? or will he be fine on his own as long as he is eating and running around?

Until I get the new 50 gallons in, the only thing I have is a critter keeper for the time being if I have to separate him.


I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
I do want to add also that I am aware that housing two together per tank may not work out either as they get older.

I do have one friend willing to take 1-2 of them if need be and house them separately if it becomes a problem.

He is afraid of trying to raise them as babies but said he is comfortable with taking care of them as adults.


dont feed millies olny crx, pheonix worms ,silk worms. If you want more info pm me
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I am the Chosen One
Waldwick, NJ
So the more ive been reading it looks like the initial info I came across was a little incorrect in that beardies even with just females can be a problem as far as housing together as adults (though there are exceptions depending on personality)

So, depending on how things go more than likely these guys will be separated when they get older instead of housing them 2 to a setup. I guess we'll see.

- - -

Update on tail kink guy. So I watched them eat today. It looks like the little one has problems aiming when trying to eat.

The other 3 where gobbling up crickets like no tomorrow. But the little guy while able to run around with no problem seems to get really wobbly when he tries to strike at a cricket and his aim is about a half inch off.

I dont know if this was the same as before or not so I was able to hand feed him about 6 crickets from rubbing it against his mouth lightly.

We'll see how it goes. I have an appointment with the vet at the end of the week to have them all checked out just in case. Im no expert, but at least outwardly appearance they look pretty healthy.

Actually, i'll post up some pics of them in a little bit after I get finished with dinner.

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