Beautiful Avicularia Versicolor

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
Here's some pictures showing off a couple of my Avicularia Versicolors.Hope you all enjoy!They really aren't the monsters people make them out to be:main_no:

Here is a little baby Versicolor:

And here is the same species,but a 5 1/2" female:

Munching on a Super Worm(I feed only super worms once a month at the most to fatten up girl that I want to breed)

Thanks for looking!I hope you enjoyed.Avicularia Versicolors are an amazing Tarantula species.Though most are pretty flighty,they are usually not aggressive,and they do not posess very potent venom.It is comparable to a bee sting unless,like a bee,you are allergic.Anyways,thanks!

neubauer geckos

Anthony Neubauer
Oooh pretty but just can't do spiders... they eeek me out big time.
That's too bad.They are awesome!So delicate.You definately have to respect their space though.If they don't want to be touched,you don't touch or you get poop cannoned or tagged.

They look really cool. I wish I could get another spider but my mom said no more pets XD

What species do you currently have?My mom use to say no inverts at all.Now,1 year later,I have 9 spiders,6 scorpions,2 giant centipedes,and some various true spiders.They're as addicting as leos!!!


formerly rendogg
Those are some awesome T's you got there. Im looking for a reasonably priced small sling myself. Not much luck though. Plus im not into paying shipping that's more than the animal. So you trying to breed the versicolor any time soon. If so can I get dibs on a few slings? This would be my first T but I just love them.

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