being territorial


New Member
So I have had my leopard gecko for about two months now. He is eating well, and I have tried to start taming him. The only issue is that he is very very territorial. the last time i went to replace his water dish after cleaning it and he bit me drawing blood. Now I do know owning reptiles you will get bit and it will draw. I just want to know if anybody has gone through this and been successful taming them. If so could you give me some pointers please.

thanks so much

SC Geckos

New Member
Your gecko is probably being more defensive than territorial IMO. I don't think it is possible to "tame" a Leopard Gecko, but in most cases (with time) you can get them to become more comfortable around you and even tolerate being handled.
Some geckos can take longer than others while some never get comfortable around people. I would suggest placing your hand in the enclosure and letting the gecko come investigate you. Let him walk on and off your hand as he chooses. Once the gecko gets more comfortable with your hand in the enclosure you can try things like hand feeding him or trying to lure him onto your hand with food. He should calm down quite a bit once he realizes your hand is not a threat. Good luck.

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