Okay, I got this statement from trizzypballr on my classified ad:
I just want to make sure, is it true that the Bell genes do not go well together with Blizzard genes?
Or just like other Recessive genes, we are just waiting for the right moment for that bell blazing babies to hatch?
I know some people are working on this project, and Kelli was the only one sucsessfully hatched 1 bell blazzing.
I mean just like other Recessive morphs, it will take time because we are breeding hets right?
The chances & percentages of sucessfully hatching bell blazzing should depend on the hets groups you're working on.
Or is it really Bell genes and Blizzards genes do not go well together?
trizzypballr said:As of right now there only actully has ever been 1 bell blazing blizzard successfully hatched and raised, for some reason the genes seem to not go well together.....
I just want to make sure, is it true that the Bell genes do not go well together with Blizzard genes?
Or just like other Recessive genes, we are just waiting for the right moment for that bell blazing babies to hatch?
I know some people are working on this project, and Kelli was the only one sucsessfully hatched 1 bell blazzing.
I mean just like other Recessive morphs, it will take time because we are breeding hets right?
The chances & percentages of sucessfully hatching bell blazzing should depend on the hets groups you're working on.
Or is it really Bell genes and Blizzards genes do not go well together?