Bell Hybino X Super Snow

Gecko Monkey

New Member
Hi first off...I'm new here and hope I can get the info I need and maybe even learn and help someone in the future.:main_thumbsup:

I have a Sunglow(Bell Hybino) female. What would I end up with If I let her mate with my Mack super Snow?

I also have a Tremper male and would it be OK if I let him mate with the Sunglow instead? I read that the albino strains should not mate. What would I end up with if I were to?

I have a Chocolate Tremper(M)
Mack Snow Tremper(F)
Mack Super Snow(M)
Mack Super Snow Albino(Tremper F)
Bell HET Blizzard.
What could I do with these combinations? Thanks.... Good Day:D


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
There are some sticky notes at the top of the Morphs and Genetics section that might help: Calculators and "Muddy Waters" (not the musician, dang it.)

If you bred your Supersnow to the Bell Hybino, you'd get 100% het Bell offspring. Some would be Mack snow, some would not, and some snow offspring would show a tangerine influence as they aged. If you bred these offspring back to each other, you could get Mack Snow Bell Hybinos (Bell Cremesicles?).

You would have to know if your Supersnow is carrying any other hets, first.

You shouldn't mix the albino strains because you can't tell which one you actually have produced from the double hets. Which renders them completely useless from a breeding standpoint.

Gecko Monkey

New Member
Thanks. I will take a look.

Could my Bell het Blizzard female X Super Snow ever show Blizzard in the offspring. It's suppose to be 100% Blizzard. Would the Blizzard show at all? Or do I need to find it a mate that is Blizzard or Het Blizzard? Hope you understand. Thanks


lillith's leo lovables
Land of the Rain and Trees, WA
If it's 100% het Blizzard and you breed it to a supersnow, you will get snows 50% het Blizzard.
You would either need another Blizzard or another het to breed to your 100% het to get blizzard offspring.
Since your het Blizzard is a Bell, you would get 100% het Bell/50%het blizzard double hets.

You could try to breed your 50% hets together, but that takes longer and is trickier. You would have to keep very good records to rule out your hets and non hets.

I'm actually curious what Bell Cremesicles would look like, I was thinking of doing a side project of them next year, maybe. I bet there's already some somewhere...I'll go look.

Good luck with your projects. Research and questions before diving in are definitely a good way to go.
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Carpe Diem
Dallas, TX
we have a bell tang paired with a bell snow right now, and when he's ready, a bell supersnow will be paired with two of our bell hybinos. should be fun to see what hatches

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