Bio-active substrate?


New Member

It sounds neat; completely natural and safe. Well, mostly safe. There is a chance that gecko could ingest the substrate, including the sand, but most of it is organic, so it would be passed easily. It'd also give the geckos something to do instead of laying around all day.

So I was wondering what you guys think about it.


Evil Playsand User
Albuquerque, NM, USA

It sounds neat; completely natural and safe. Well, mostly safe. There is a chance that gecko could ingest the substrate, including the sand, but most of it is organic, so it would be passed easily. It'd also give the geckos something to do instead of laying around all day.

So I was wondering what you guys think about it.

My brain hurts from bashing it on a concrete wall... :furious3: :wall: EVERYONE, please stop the use, or thought of particulate substrates. Put your geckos in muzzles and straight jackets, only to remove such restraints within extreme close supervision for feeding within a separate, substrateless tub. Oh and don't forget to pinch heads of the mealies and don't feed crickets because they stink.

FWIW, the dart frog community has been using this for YEARS (I dare say the better part of a decade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!one111!¡¡¡), with what I've seen of very little to almost no ill affects regarding possible substrate ingestion. Those are frogs significantly smaller than geckos that would surely be that much more susceptible to maladies from such a loose, evil, hideous particulate substrate.

I've gotta stop with this substrate thread crap and acting like a moth to a flame. Pot, this is kettle signing can stir yourself.
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New Member
......Thanks for your help. I didn't know about the wide use of it; I merely saw an article on it, and wanted to make sure it was perfectly safe before using it myself. The only reason I mentioned particulates was because I have heard about geckos becoming impacted, and I wouldn't want to lose my gecko to such a preventable accident.

There was no need to be so sarcastic or caustic; I merely wanted to know. Be as that may, I do thank you for assuring me that my gecko will be completely safe on it.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
It's safe for an experienced reptile keeper who knows the species well. If anything were to go astray, it would be immediately identified and corrected. So for someone just starting out, it isn't recommended, as danger signs are easily missed due to lack of experience, resulting in a potentially critical situation.


New Member
Ok thanks. That means I'm not going to be using it, since I'm not very experienced at all and I'd miss the warning signs. maybe in another year or two I'd feel confident enough to use it.

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