black stomach



I noticed maybe two weeks ago that I thought I could see what I thought to be Sean Connery (my gecko)'s internal organs if you look at his stomach. It was a light gray bar inside his lower abdomen. I looked again today and noticed the bar has gotten significantly darker, almost like a bruise. He just ate a meal worm yesterday. Is it possible that I'm just seeing him full, or is this a problem? Could he also be a girl and this is menstration happening? Prior to eating this meal worm, he hadn't eaten for about a week, which is slightly unusal for him, but not really. Sometimes he just doesn't eat for a couple of days.

Also, he has always been a fairly nervous gecko. I knew this before getting him, as he was the only one in the petstore tank that wasn't friendly because he was scared. Generally he doesn't like being held. Is there a way to make him more sociable?

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
Menstration is something that is unique to mammals. What you are likely seeing is the liver or some other organ. It could also be impaction - what sort of substrate is he on?

As for the temperment, work with him a bit each day. Get him used to your hand being nearby, then work towards picking him up. You can use food as a bribe to get him to walk into your hand. It will take some time, but the longer you work with him, the more relaxed he'll get.


Bells Rule!
If it's not an organ or impaction it's probably a nice big poo. Keep us updated.

EDIT: Actually, holding a poo for two weeks? I don't think so... Either way... How's it going?
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he was eating live crickets for a month
then I gave him a meal worm coated with calcium powder.
since then, he wont touch live crickets, so i've given him meal worms which he'll eat every couple of days. What do I do about an impaction?

As for the picture, I will post one to show a concern I have about how his tail is skinnier than his body (i heard this was bad), but getting him upside down to take the picture I feel won't work. I can try.

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