Blaptica dubia wholesale & others

Digby Rigby

Blaptica dubia 5,000 lots
green banana roaches 75 lots
mini isopods smaller than dwarf whites 300+

People have asked how come we dont list prices. We sell basically to resellers, breeders, and people with large collections. So it is not approriate to list wholesale pricing on a public forum where not only suppliers but their customers would have access to pricing info.

Here is a recently received email from a client

To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Dubias
Date: Nov 2, 2010 4:14 PM
The colony is going great!! I have a steady stream of nymphs for my leopard geckos and tarantula. My beardie cleans up all of the extra males. My reptiles have never been healthier, and the roaches are soooo easy to care for. I can't remember the last time I had to buy any feeders.

Thanks so much for getting me going!


Please include name telephone number and a good time to call when emailing back. We have been selling bulk dubia roaches longer than anyone in the country.

Thank you for your interest
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