Hi Everyone,
I'm a new member and thought it would be nice to join a site with me having Blaze my 3rd leopard Gecko.
I brought Blaze thinking he was a male and checked him today after a month of having him and he's turned out to be a female
She's settled in great the first few days she was abit wild only being 6mths old but everyday after cleaning her out, i wash my hands and handle her and she's lovely and carm now.
The name won't change as i choose it because of Blaze being an hypo leo and the colour of the yellow is like a Blaze.
She shred her skin lastnight and as eaten it, toes etc clear and more spots are showing down her back, i just adore her.:main_thumbsup:
I'm a new member and thought it would be nice to join a site with me having Blaze my 3rd leopard Gecko.
I brought Blaze thinking he was a male and checked him today after a month of having him and he's turned out to be a female
She's settled in great the first few days she was abit wild only being 6mths old but everyday after cleaning her out, i wash my hands and handle her and she's lovely and carm now.
The name won't change as i choose it because of Blaze being an hypo leo and the colour of the yellow is like a Blaze.
She shred her skin lastnight and as eaten it, toes etc clear and more spots are showing down her back, i just adore her.:main_thumbsup: