Casanova, M M.Patternless Het Tremper
Okami, F Blizzard Het Tremper. I got her in hopes that she'd continue to darken. Does anyone have pictures of a midnight Blizzard from baby to adulthood? Do they tend to lighten up or get darker?
Okami with Dark, F M.Patternless
Okami, Dark, Light F M. Patternless
Sun, F Hypo. She was a SuperHypo when I got her, but lately the ten or so little marks on her back fluxuate between brownish marks to black spots.
She is showing signs that she's almost ready to lay the eggs of
Alligator Mack M Mack Snow
Banshee, M SuperHypo B
And this is Banshee's spot.
and off topic:
Tetris, my Ornate Polypterus
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
I went from 1 to 5 aquariums to 1 then 24 lizards to actively keeping insects alive in my house. Go figure.

Okami, F Blizzard Het Tremper. I got her in hopes that she'd continue to darken. Does anyone have pictures of a midnight Blizzard from baby to adulthood? Do they tend to lighten up or get darker?

Okami with Dark, F M.Patternless

Okami, Dark, Light F M. Patternless

Sun, F Hypo. She was a SuperHypo when I got her, but lately the ten or so little marks on her back fluxuate between brownish marks to black spots.

She is showing signs that she's almost ready to lay the eggs of
Alligator Mack M Mack Snow

Banshee, M SuperHypo B
And this is Banshee's spot.

and off topic:
Tetris, my Ornate Polypterus

Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

I went from 1 to 5 aquariums to 1 then 24 lizards to actively keeping insects alive in my house. Go figure.