blood in tank


New Member
cattasauqua, pa
hey , the other day my pregnant female gecko died. she was due to lay eggs anytime. butlatly i noticed she hasnt been eating which pat said is normal if just about to lay eggs. but her tial got real skinny and down to nothing. for few dys she layed out of her lay box and in h er pooping area not sure why. but then other day i came home and saw her in her lay box went to check for eggs but noticed a bunch of blood in papertowel and so i checked her and she was real weak and barey movieng wiht her eyes almsot shut. i called pat and he recomended once there blodd there prob nothing i can do and that i should jsut put her down quickly but i pretty sure she died in my hand casue as i put her in baggie to ut in freezer she stuck her tounge out and quit moving. has anyone had this happen in the past? i cleaned the tank with bleach solution so hopefulyl nothgn will spread to my male.
any thoughts i would appreciate it.


New Member
cattasauqua, pa
she ah them in her for about 4 weeks i havnet had chance to thaw her and open her up yet but i am thinking she was egg bound myslef she should have either been laying any day or already have laid


New Member
Hanover, PA
you saw them in her for 4 weeks? thats crazy, usually a gecko will lay about 2 weeks after they are visible, was she a first year breeder, possibly bred alittle early? I know some people breed at 40 grams, i personally think thats a risk though, I breed at 50 grams, ive heard some say they wait even longer because of the possiblily of being egg bound


New Member
cattasauqua, pa
i dont have scale to be certian of her wieght although she was healthy before she bred. and she ladi eggs before this was her second clutch of the yr. just i didnt get to them in time since i wasnt home and they dried out. pat said that it was bit longer but could go form 2-4 weeks so i expected them at any time. i am hopign to open her up over the weekend and see if i spot anything but there were def eggs in ther eat one time and i do suspect she was egg bound.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Sorry to hear about that man.... I had the same thing happen to me this year My female was 2 years old but first time breeder. was healthy and up to weight (60 grams before breeding). she layed her first clutch just fine. although she did stay on the egg mound in the nest box for a few days after I had removed the eggs. then she got egg bound with her second clutch I waited 31 days then took her in to the vet for an injection about 8 days later she layed one egg but not the other I was going to take her in for another injection but then she crashed very quickly.
Necropsy showed one big egg remaining witch looked like it had expanded.either it was the egg or the wall of the uterus. I opened up the egg and it looked like it had been hard boiled. the outer shell sliped wright off and what was inside was a white rubbery egg just like a hard boiled egg.
Don't know what that means but just some data.

Temps I keep all on are 90 to 94 on the hot end.
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