Boa R.I.



Well I recently purchased a large male boa for my females, and right away I could tell it had a R.I. so I raised the ambient temps and brought him to the vet where she told me it was minor enough to where meds weren't need as of yet and to raise the cage temps for a few days, and only place the water dish in for breif useage by the snake to keep humidity low, and it should clear up within a week. But if it doesn't she said we may have to do a baytril injection. So I just managed to find the guys business card I got him from (I purchased him at the show in Illionois, i knew the price was too good to be true on a 9 ft male boa) and he basicly blammed me for it, and said to tell the vet to use Amakacin instead of Baytril.

Now I know the R.I. is not my fault as I noticed it on the way home when it sounded like someone was whistling in the car which I didn't notice in the show, but then again shows arent exactly so quiet you can hear a pin drop either. Now on top of this when the snake defecated, while cleaning the cage we noticed a few small (much bigger than mites though) bugs/parasites in the corner of his cage, which we cant find pics of anywhere and my g/f disposed of them before I got a chance to snap some pics of them.

But after all the ranting I guess all I want to know is peoples oppinion on Amakacin over Baytril, and also if you can point me towards a list w/ pictures of all reptile parasites? They were approx. 1/4 inch, black, with what appeared to be front "fangs" (kind of like a tick but definatly not any tick I've seen) and they were clustered in a corner, appearing to be either dead or motionless even when touching them. you could see every detail on their body w/ the naked eye.

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