Breathable bags for sale


Houston, texas
50 count bundle of the TWO lb shipping bags for worms.

This bag is the best bag we have found over the years to use when you guarantee live delivery.

This bag size measures 10"x 17" with draw string top.

Extremely heavy duty. These bags can be used for rock samples.

These bags are re-usable and washable. They will NOT fall apart or shrink when washed like regular cotton muslim bags do.

And this TWO lb size bag will hold up to 3.5 lbs of worms with 3.5 lbs of bedding.
This bag is somewhat breathable and holds most moisture.

I ordered these bags to ship mealworms but they weren't what I was really looking for they are very heavy duty. The material does breathe fairly well but they aren't mesh holed bags that I was looking for. They are $38 new will sell them for $25. One bag on the inside has 3-4 spots from when I was testing it out. Shipping is around $10-12 PM me

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