Breeding Crickets?


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
I have in the past but only in the summer been able to with good success. I keep them on my carport with lids and they do great, in the winter no matter what I have done with them they donot do well.

I am hoping that once my herp room ceiling is fixed so I can heat it well that I will be able to breed them in the winter.


New Member
We did last time we were overseas, because they were somewhat difficult to find and expensive. They were not difficult to breed as long as we kept their eggs moist and warm. We also kept them dark in a closet, but I don't really know if the dark had much to do with our success. I kept layboxes like leopard geckos use in the cricket bins and they laid eggs in it. Then, once there were a bunch of eggs in there, I transferred the laybox into a new bin to 'incubate' the eggs. After a short while, we had a bunch of babies.

In fact, I've actually accidentally hatched cricket eggs in a leo cage once because I didn't realize an adult cricket I put in for food had laid her eggs in the gecko's hidebox.

Where are you at? I don't really think there's much reason to breed them in the states, unless you're specifically looking for the pinheads. Crickets are pretty cheap and plentiful in large numbers here in the States.

Oh, and I hate crickets. I'd rather feed some sort of mealworms any day. Another random thought - silkworms are cute little buggers. I raised some of those once and had a hard time feeding them off because they were cute and because none of the few geckos I had at the time liked them.

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