I'm looking for someone with a BBB of Blizzard het Bell female that would like to cross her with my Mack Snow Reverse Funky Jungle Radar... His parents are 50% het Blizzard so he has a chance to be het Blizzard as well... The female has to be near breeding age as he will be ready to mate in about two months...
After receiving her she'll be quarantined for two months... Then we can pair them up and see where it goes... I'd like to incubate at 86 for an 'even' ratio of sexes and any offspring would be split 50/50...
If you are interested please send me a message!
After receiving her she'll be quarantined for two months... Then we can pair them up and see where it goes... I'd like to incubate at 86 for an 'even' ratio of sexes and any offspring would be split 50/50...
If you are interested please send me a message!