breeding to an already bred female.


Mack Leo Boy

I am looking for a striped or jungle tremper albino that is gravid. But all of the ones that are gravid have been bred. If I then bought them and bred them to my male would the eggs be fertilized by my male or the one it was bred to. Any help would be appreciated.:main_yes: Thanks.

Double LY

Mack Leo Boy said:
I am looking for a striped or jungle tremper albino that is gravid. But all of the ones that are gravid have been bred. If I then bought them and bred them to my male would the eggs be fertilized by my male or the one it was bred to. Any help would be appreciated.:main_yes: Thanks.

Are you sure you are using terms correctly? If you are looking for a lizard that is already gravid, that means she is already pregnant. Do you mean you are looking for an ovulating female so you can breed with a male you already have????

Mack Leo Boy

can someone delete this post. I researched on gravid. Diddn't know what it meant sorry.

Double LY

No worries or apology needed. There are plenty of people (me included) that have to look up terms :main_thumbsup:

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