"Bright Females" AKA Tremper Method


Gecko Whisperer
First of all i just want to say that i have seen the other threads about this method of incubation but none of them could answer my question. I wish i would have found this forum earlier. When I started incubating my eggs this year I decided to try the "Tremper method" to get bright females. I had 2 clutches laid very close to the same time. One clutch was laid on 2/16 and the other on 2/17. I started both clutches in my 82F incubator for 3 weeks. Well, about a week after i put the clutch from 2/17 in my 89F incubator one egg burst open. I know this was probably due to the rapid change in temperature. The eggs from the 2/16 clutch did just fine and they hatched out really nice Tremper tangerine albinos. I still have one egg from the 2/17 clutch in the 89F incubator. I was thinking if the other eggs from the 2/16 clutch had hatched on easter, shouldnt the other egg be just a day or two later? I was just wondering if anyone has successfully used this method for incubation and how long it takes for your eggs to hatch. Thanks

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