Building a Shelf



I am trying to build my boa a shelf so that he is closer to the heat source because I think that he has a respiratory infection. I am just wondering how to build it and how to get it to stay without drilling any holes, my glass is tempered so it will shatter if drilled. And I am wondering what else I can do in order to get him to heal faster.:(

Russ S

I can't help with the shelf, but I do suggest you take him to a vet ASAP.


New Leopard Gecko fan!
So FL.
crs said:
I am trying to build my boa a shelf so that he is closer to the heat source because I think that he has a respiratory infection. I am just wondering how to build it and how to get it to stay without drilling any holes, my glass is tempered so it will shatter if drilled. And I am wondering what else I can do in order to get him to heal faster.:(

I don't understand what you're trying to accomplish, but if the snake has an RI you need to get the temps right on and take him to a vet for meds before it worsens.


Well I think that he does, he doesnt show any big signs but he will wheez once in a while, I cant tell if he is hissing at me a little or if he is having trouble breathing. He only does it when I pick him up or when I rearrange my hands and he forces the air out of his lungs, so I cant tell why he is doing this exactly. I am trying to put in the shelf for two reasons, one for the extra floor space and the other is for the extra heat if it is needed. He has a 95 degree heat pad and an ambient air temp on the warm side of 82-85 degrees. He is eating fine, he doesn't gape his mouth or show any signs of RI except for the wheezing once in a while.
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New Leopard Gecko fan!
So FL.
crs said:
Well I think that he does, he doesnt show any big signs but he will wheez once in a while, I cant tell if he is hissing at me a little or if he is having trouble breathing. He only does it when I pick him up or when I rearrange my hands and he forces the air out of his lungs, so I cant tell why he is doing this exactly. I am trying to put in the shelf for two reasons, one for the extra floor space and the other is for the extra heat if it is needed. He has a 95 degree heat pad and an ambient air temp on the warm side of 82-85 degrees. He is eating fine, he doesn't gape his mouth or show any signs of RI except for the wheezing once in a while.

Those temps are fine based on those numbers. 80-82F on the cool side/ambient temps and 95F on the hot spot is fine. You can raise the hot spot to 98F for a few weeks and keep the ambient at 85F as well for a few weeks. Give him a few weeks and see how things go from there.


ok, thanks. Do you think he has a RI, or do you think that he is just pushing air out of his lungs when I rearrange my hands?


New Leopard Gecko fan!
So FL.
crs said:
ok, thanks. Do you think he has a RI, or do you think that he is just pushing air out of his lungs when I rearrange my hands?

It's impossible to diagnose without seeing the snake. Either way, just raise those temps slightly and give it a few weeks of rest and relaxation. If symptoms continue, take to a vet for a check up.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Personally if you think there is a poss. that your snake is weezing I would take it to the vet to make sure it is or isn't and not wait. Why risk it getting worse? If it's nothing then you all you loose is money for a vet check, but if you don't and it is RI you could very well loose your snake.

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