Bullfrog Tadpole


New Member
Auburn Hills, MI
We bought the girls a bullfrog Tadpole yesterday. He only has his bak leggs so far... Hes sharing space with our goldfish in a 5 Gal. When he matures he will get his very own 29 gallon. We were thinking of getting one more but after reading how territorial they are I think we may stay with just one.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
I would never house a BF in an aquarium. They can jump up to 6 feet in ONE hop, so that 29 gallon will never fit him as an adult. I have a 40 gallon breeder that is about 3-4 feet long and that barely housed my Cane toad (just as big as a BF but can't jump as far). IF anything I would get something as big as you can once he's adult size. Adult size is about the size of a grown persons hand. The 29 gallon will work for a year or two but you should definitley go bigger as he gets older.

My father has a big pond in his back yard and the 2 Bull Frogs and dozens of Koi fish love it.


New Member
Kaua'i, Hawaii
lazzara8478 said:
oh i definatly do plan on going bigger. I just have an empty 29 and it would do better than a 10 ;)

That's great. I have seen people try to raise them in 20 gallon aquariums. It just baffles me. :main_thumbsup:


I'm Watching You
Brooklyn, New York
This brings up a funny,no, worrying memory from earlier today. The frog we have in our schools marine lab(treefrog, i think a whites tree frog, yea pretty sure), was taken out to be handled by a crazy person(I refer to the senior kid as such >>) and we had to chase it around th eroom because it jumped way out of his hands. Then after washing it off gently, ont he way back to the tank, it nearly jumps onto a wall and drives us all insane.

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