bummer...lost my first gecko...


Pittsburgh PA
well, i checked all my hatchlings when i got home from work and they were all ok. well i went to feed and mist the tubs and when i got to the last one, the most recent hatchling, i found it dead on the bottom of the tub. i cleaned out the tub and found a spider in there and am wondering if it had bitten the gecko. i smashed it in frustration and didn't check to see what kind it was. we don't have a whole lot of poisonous spiders here so i highly doubt it was. the auric was a beautiful pattern with lots of orange coming in and its a huge bummer...but now im worried about spiders. is there any kind of spray, pellets, etc that i can put in the room that wont effect the geckos to kill/prevent spiders? i had a frickin' horrible day at work, and when i got home. and to top it off it was my b-day and no one but like 25 forum auto e-mails said anything. i had seen my family today and they didn't say anything, and i didn't bring it up b/c i didn't wanna make them feel bad for forgetting...lol.


New Member
NE Ohio
What a crappy day. Sorry to hear all that went wrong. I don't know of anything you can spray. You should be able to find some sticky traps at your local home improvement store. They can be used for a variety of bugs and spiders. They are kind of like the glue traps for mice.

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
First of all, all spiders are venomous. So it is indeed possible that the spider bit the hatchling, and the hatchling died as a result. I wouldn't completely rule it out. It's also possible that this particular hatchling was just weak and died of unknown causes. Sorry for your loss! :(

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