Bumps on skin and wet poo


New Member
Massillon, OH
Is there a reason my leopard gecko has bumps all on his skin now? He has shed 3 times since I had him and has done great. Now he has small bumps all on his skin. Maybe I'm just now noticing it and it's normal, who knows?

Also, I have begun to feed my juvie mealworms everyday. He eats about 6 or 7 mealworms and 6 or 7 crickets each day. There have been a couple instances now in the last couple days where his poo has been large and more wet than usual. Isn't it supposed to be dry? This isn't a sign of sickness is it? Is he having a digestion issue with those mealworms?



Ridgewood, NJ
All leos have bumps all over them.What you're describing could be normal but a picture would help people see if it is or not. You could also google "leopard gecko skin" and look at the images that pop up to see if it looks like what you're describing or not. Gecko's normal poo is wet but not runny. It's not very wet so it dries fairly quickly. You could just be seeing it when it is "fresh" rather than a few hours old.

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