Buying all the STUFF


New Member
So I'm looking into getting all the accessories for my gecko. I wanted to get opinions on what brands are good (for UTH, thermometers, thermostats...the expensive things) and where seems to be the cheapest to get them (Amazon, *****, ********, etc). Thanks guys!


New Member
I'm not sure about the heatmat, they're about the same price (all expensive) around where I live, but the thermometer you can often get a good infrared one online at amazon cheap, or if you want to go for a normal digital one you can get them quite cheap at a place like walmart in the cooking section.

Often instead of thermometers people buy light dimmer switches from home depot or the like and use those to regulate the temp of their cages. I hope that helps!


New Member
I'd suggest buying a ultratherm under tank heater, they are by far the best as they are made to only reach 95degrees I believe and that's perfect for a leopard gecko. That way you won't need to spend $80-$100 on a thermostat.
For a thermometer go to walmart in the electrical section where they sell household thermostats and buy the accurite digital thermometer that has a probe I believe it is only $12 and it's the best cheap thermo I've ever used. It has a probe with a long chord and has a sticky pad on the end of the probe. Just peel the paper off the probe and stick it right above your uth. If you use porcelain or ceramic tile just stick the probe directly to the tile where your hot hide is gonna be.


New Member
Sorry I've only seen the ultratherm heat pads at bigappleherp website or lllreptile website.
Also on the accurite thermo from walmart. It has a standing unit that's digital and shows the temp in, out and humidity. Put the unit on your cool side run the cable with the probe thru the corner of the tank and then put it back in on the hot side thru the top corner and then stick it to either the glass above the uth or on your tile above the uth if you do tile. I run mine like that with a metal screen lid and it doesn't mess the wire up for the probe at all.

I'd go to lowes or home depot and buy porcelain tile for your tanks floor. It's so cheap, it looks awesome, it easy to clean and you'll never have to buy substrate again. You just gotta clean the tile which is a piece of cake.
Do you have a tank already and if so what size did you get?

When you go to get tile (if you do) just take measurements of your tank and take it with you. They will help you get the right size tile. Don't buy tile that is shiny as it will have a slick surface and your Leo will slide, buy something with a bit of texture on it: my tile was 58cents a piece and costs me around $5-6 total to tile the tank but itnwas very worth it.

With those supplies you should have a very simple worry free temp controlled tank and save yourself alot of hassle and headache. If you have more questions feel free to ask..
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New Member
Well I should keep going while I'm started lol.
For hides I reccomend the exo Terra medium sized repti cave. They cost $6 a piece and will be able to handle your Leo all it's life. They are brown and look like a rock with a hole cut out of it.
For a water bowl I just bought one of the small stone bowls from the pet store I think it was only $2.49 for a food bowl I recommend a ceramic dish from the petstore I think zilla sells them. Get a medium sized bowl as it will hold in mealworms and the superworms stay in there also. I think it's $4

I suggest buying a background for your tank. It will make your Leo less stressed as it will be less light coming in and it won't see it's reflection I got a desert themed one for $1.29 a foot
calcium powder- repashy calcium plus it's around $8 but will last a long time if you only have one Leo. At my local store it comes in a black plastic bottle and has a picure of a leopard gecko on it. With the repashy stuff you dust with every feeding and you don't need to keep a dish in the tank all the time with calcium in it hence taking up less space.

Decoration- buy something that you would stick in a fish tank for fish. They are rough to the touch and your Leo will rub against it when they shed and it will help get it off really easy. They are expensive for a big one but they look cool lol. You don't need a big one but buy one as big as you want, be aware leos are a bit clumbsy when it comes to climbing and your Leo could fall off and hurt itself if the decoration is too big..


New Member
Forgot a humid hide. I use a cheap Tupperware container with a hole cut out of the lid. Put damp spaghnum moss inside it about half inch deep and this will really help your Leo have good sheds.
The Tupperware can be bought at the petstore for like $1 for one container. The spaghhnum moss tho you can get at lowes for super cheap.

It's outside in the lawn and garden section. It comes in a bag shaped like a rectangle brick, there's alot in the bag and will last you a long time plus it only cost like $4 which is super cheap.

I think I covered everything, if I didn't please feel free to jump in guys lol. If you have any questions about anything I recommended please feel free to ask. The only dumb question is the one you didn't ask. Hope this helps ya out..


New Member
I have a 20 gallon long that I have previously used for gerbils. Also, what size ultratherm UTH would I need? Would the 6 x 11" cover it or should I get the 11 x 11"?


New Member
Get the 11x11 I have a 20long but I only have a 11x6 and it's not big enough. I'm gonna pick up a 11x11 ultratherm at the show this Sunday hopefully, I don't want to pay shipping so I'm hoping to pick one up there.
My 20long holds 10 6x6 pieces of tile


New Member
Go to a local reptile get to kill 2 birds at once..You relize an undertank heat mat would be nice BUT a ROLL of Heat tape allows many more tanks....Plus your supporting you local breeders. Really the shows are usually the cheapest and you might find another critter too....


New Member
Unfortunately there are no local shows close to me until October (there just was one in April). I'm not planning on breeding or having more than this tank (I live in a 1 bedroom apartment already stuffed to the gills!), so I have no need for heat tape.

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