Buying some cresties! Need help!


New Member
Hello people. I am into buying a couple or maybe 3 cresties.

I would like to get into breeding those little guys.

The reptile shop I go, got a bunch of babies there, 4 or maybe 5.

But only one has its tail on. Others don't.

First, if I buy 3 of these guys, you think my chances getting a pair are high?

And second, I think they sell cheaper those without the tails, does it worth it buying these? They're gonna be my first ones, and I don't know what would feel like having the first cresties without tails. The seller told me that it shouldn't be a problem, since when I'll try breed them, they're gonna loose their tails anyway.


New Member
Long Island
Welcome to the addicting world of crested geckos :D

If you're thinking about breeding, your best bet is to save up and purchase the highest quality geckos you can. The market is very flooded with average crested geckos right, making it hard to sell unexceptional babies.

Crested geckos without tails are no different than cresteds with tails. (except that they don't have tails). They will eat, breed, live, just like normal cresteds.

As for your chances with getting a pair of the three you would like to purchase, you never know. Some people luck out with all females, sometimes not. I purchased four babies from ACreptiles last year and 3/4 look like males right now.


New Member
Nice to find you people! ^_^

Well, here in Greece, the variety in Crested geckos is very little.. So my choices are very limited. But that also makes easy to sell geckos here.

I was talking asking about the tail because you know... an unexperienced owner would like to have a pretty gecko :)

Is the stuff about loosing their tail while in breeding period, true?

And also, is it true that, from 2 cresties with very usual morph, a clutch can give you any kind of morph?
Cuz I read that let's say you breed 2 flames, you have chances to get every morph.


Obsessed by reptiles...
Washington State
All cresties are born with a tail, it doesn't matter if their parents had one or not. But when they breed, sometimes it can get so rough they loose their tail, much like a leo would when he's confronted by a predator. But unlike leos, cresties can't grow theirs back. So if you're worried about "pretty" geckos, just make sure the babies aren't rough handled in any way, and you should be fine.


Melissa the Scientist
Toledo oh
I am with ento, just because you live in an area not known to have crested geckos, doesnt mean you shouldnt offer the best you possibly can. I am sure there are breeders around there somewhere if you take the time to look. And there is no reason to rush into it, there is much to learn about breeding before taking that leap. The wonderful thing is that there are many great breeders in the UK, which is not too terribly far from you. You should look into that area, and see if it is possible to ship to your area so that you can have a better quality animal, instead of pet store quality. And then you are more apt to have people buying from you because you do have nicer animals then available from the pet store to offer.

I would highly suggest trying out, that is a crested gecko forum, there is so much information there at your finger tips that will give you the pros and cons of breeding, what to expect from (or not expect) from putting geckos together.

And as for loosing tails, more then likely the reason why was that when feeding crickets, since there are too many in 1 cage, one grabbed another ones tail and the gecko dropped it. Cresteds dont normally drop their tails durring breeding, not sure where you got that info from (another good reason why to read up more on breeding). Normally they drop it because of fighting, and although breeding does lead to some bickerment, it is natural and normally doesnt cause for such a defensive move.


New Member
Crestys can lose their tails for any number of reasons - even from being stressed from high temperatures, etc.

Ones without tails are just as good as ones with tails. You may think it looks odd without, but you'll get used to it. They're actually kind of cute, and a lot of people call them "frogbutts."

Two of my five cresties don't have tails, and to be honest they're probably my favorite ones.

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