Bye bye Repti Carpet


New Member
After lots of research - I switched out my Repti-carpet to paper towels tonight.

Lots of differing opinions but most stated paper towels are better than the Repti-carpet.

In the end I just placed my hand on the Repti-carpet, rubbed a little then placed my hand on the paper towel, rubbed a little - oh yeah - most definetly would rather be on the paper towel if I had a soft belly like my Gecko's.

I myself HATE how it looks but I plan to stick with it until we move and I build thier enclosures. At that time they will have slate tile but until then - even though I HATE the look of it - I know it feels so much better on thier bellies than the Repti-carpet....

Cuties are all out sleeping on it now.

Thank you

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