Sterilite shoe boxes for hatchlings, 1 or 2 per box. If 2 per box they are separated once dominance over food is observed. Sweater boxes, 1 animal per box for juvies and adults. 10 gallon tanks for a few select males and 1 female. My goal is to some how figure out a way to create a display wall for my adults with females in 20 gallons and males in 10s, with holdbacks, juvies, and sub-adults in tubs.
If I only had a few leos I'd have nothing but 20s or even 40g breeders. I'm on the philosophy that with exception to hatchlings, no cage is too big. If I win the lotto, all my cages, be they snakes or lizards, will be large and naturalistically designed.
I'd love to get a 20g long tank. 10 seems a bit too small. My friends leo is having some eyecap problems and if he dies, I will get some stuff for my leopard gecko. We are doing everything we can to keep him alive though. The vet will treat him for $50 he said, when he called.
I'd go for a 20 long for 2 geckos. Originally i had a 10 gallon for my two babies and right around when they were 10-12 months of age i put in a nesting box/moist hide and they stopped eating because they didn't have enough space. So i upgraded to a 20 gallon long and they LOVE it. Also, mine are a breeding pair so they like to be able to have thier own space away form eachother which is achieved in a 20g.
I have two males. One is a giant and he is housed in a 20 long. The other is a normal and he is housed in a 15 gallon, which has the same footprint of a standard (not long) 20 gallon.
I have a juvenile in a 10 gallon. Right now that's all that fits my space. I should be moving sometime within the next year, so,I'll probably keep my eye out for a cheap 15 or 20 once I do.