Calcium without D3


New Member
I bought Repashy calcium plus, but p*tco didnt have any just plain calcium without D3, i need to put it in a bowl that is in the tank at all times, does anyone know a good brand of strait calcium that the large chain stores carry (since there is no good reptile dealers around me) and how much it costs. Thanks


My local pet stores don't sell plain calcium either you would need to order it online. I use the repashy calcium plus and i don't leave any in a bowl in the tank. From what I have read and please correct me if I'm wrong anyone.

The way it is designed it is supposed to be used every time you feed. So every feeding dust your feeders with it. The company that makes it is really into leos, it is formulated to have the perfect blend of calcium and vitamins.

Jeez I sound like a spokesman for the company. I can't remember where but I found a article comparing it to repcal and the repashy stuff is way better. It is balanced properly. It has a smell to it that my Leo loves, it really triggers a better feeding response in my experience using it plus it sticks to the feeders better then rep cal.

I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think all my info is correct.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I use Calcium Plus at every feeding, and do not keep a calcium dish in the enclosure. This is what Allen Repashy recommends, and it seems to be working well for me.


New Member
I use rep cal and I'm about to switch over to the repashy stuff. I've hear nothing but good things about it.


New Member
Thanks a lot guys, ill do somemore research and see if i even need a calcium dish, iv heard no matter what always have one in there just to be safe bacause if the leo needs it he will have it in there


New Member
Listen to Tony c he's da man round here lol. There is no need to leave a bowl in there when you use the repashy stuff. You've done research coming here and you've gotten the right answer. The repashy stuff is formulated better then the others just dust every feeding and don't leave any in the tank. Not using a bowl saves ya some floor space too..

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