Call me a hero? ha


New Member
Auburn, AL
So I got home from school and went to large chain store to stock up on mealies and other supplies for the winter break. When I saw that the leos were on sale for 15 bucks and saw how many were in there and i had to save one so i guess on impulse i bought the healthiest looking one close to the age and size of the one i already had. Theyve been together about a week now and get along great the only question is. is there a way i can decide if both are eating? Food goes missing from the bowl but i wanna make sure they both are eating. The new one will eat if i drop the mealie in front of her my first one will not and only eats from the bowl shes shy so im wondering if maybe the new is eating her food? well anyways here is the new one. shes so cute lol




Shillelagh Law
Call me a hero?

Absolutely not.

Either you...

... decided you didn't like the conditions animals were being kept in at the pet store, so you purchased one, making the store a profit and continuing to keep a negative business in business, to put more geckos in similar conditions in the future. Or...

... you're just pet store bashing because you think it is the thing to do, making you a contemptible little lickspittle who's damaging a quality business through your bandwagon jumping ignorance.

Then you completely ignored any concept of quarantine and endangered two animals.

Not remotely a hero. Not even close.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
Yes there is a way to tell if they are both eating. QUARANTINE. You will never know which is having any kind of issue unless witnessed if you don't QUARANTINE. A lot of things are contageous and the spread can be avoided with proper QUARANTINE. Proper husbandry includes an appropriate period of QUARANTINE for any new additions.


New Member
Auburn, AL
they are quarantined now i got a tank from a buddy and went out and got a new uth and hide etc. i just wanted to know for in the future when i keep them together. i wanna make sure they both are getting fed


New Member
A hero to the leo you bought? Maybe...

A hero to the leo you already own? That answer can range from "no" to "omg both my leos are dead."

Leos are not social animals and do not need friends. If they both are males, they may fight to the death if kept in the same enclosure. A male and a female will mate, causing you and them more problems. Only two females housed together will work, but even they sometimes do not get along.

Housing together should never be done (even if you are sure of the sex) until the new animal has been properly quarantined for at least a month (some people say up to 3 months). This is necessary to prevent any possible disease or parasites present in the pet store's animals (which is more often than you think) from spreading to your animals. Putting them together at best endangers your existing pet.

Separate them until you know they're both healthy for sure. This will also tell you if they're both eating. Introduce them in the same tank only if you are certain all conditions, sex, and cage setup are adequate for two geckos.


Love My Leo
joshyy_rey im happy for you.. Sorry some people feel the need to be Jerks.. Its the world we live in unfortunately.. They have nothing better to do.. I dunno, maybe being a bully on an internet forum makes them feel better about themselves or something.. who knows.. But anyways he/she is a cutie and congrats on the new purchase.. You can't beat $15!

As far as how to be able to tell what Leo is eating what.. Really the only way to tell is to feed them in a separate container. One by one. Both my leos eat GREAT, but I still feed them in a separate container outside of there tank. This way I keep track of exactly how much each one of them is eating day to day. This is what I would suggest you do as well..

Don't be afraid to ask any questions what so ever. Most folks around here are nice and very helpful


The ones who are angry and "big meanie poopyheads" are usually the ones who have been doing this for a long time, and know what in the sam hill they are talking about.

Seamus, I expect my tiny American flag in the mail. I would like to sit here and wave it angrily at the computer.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
joshyy_rey im happy for you.. Sorry some people feel the need to be Jerks.. Its the world we live in unfortunately.. They have nothing better to do.. I dunno, maybe being a bully on an internet forum makes them feel better about themselves or something.. who knows.. But anyways he/she is a cutie and congrats on the new purchase.. You can't beat $15!

As far as how to be able to tell what Leo is eating what.. Really the only way to tell is to feed them in a separate container. One by one. Both my leos eat GREAT, but I still feed them in a separate container outside of there tank. This way I keep track of exactly how much each one of them is eating day to day. This is what I would suggest you do as well..

Don't be afraid to ask any questions what so ever. Most folks around here are nice and very helpful

Yes the leo is nice but ALL new leos need to be quarrantined and in my opinion housed seperately.IMO both leos now HAVE to have fecals done on them to ensure the newer leos is not ill.Since u failed to quarrantine them get the fecals done.
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New Member
Bay Area, CA
Just a little suggestion... being an ass toward someone new looking for help doesn't help anyone. You might be an expert but scaring away everyone who needs to know the right kind of information is not going to help the animals at all.


Winchester, UK
Just a little suggestion... being an ass toward someone new looking for help doesn't help anyone. You might be an expert but scaring away everyone who needs to know the right kind of information is not going to help the animals at all.

agreed :main_thumbsup:, that it dosn't! and i bet at some stage when you all first started out you did exactly the same thing! so stop being the arse shouting at the learner driver and remember you were there once to :).

infomation is the key so ask ask ask away till your hearts content :main_yes: were all :ears:

the little one is soooo cute, but please do get the samples done. better safe then sorry i always say :angel:

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
I just dont see why most people that buy a gecko from a "Big Chain" Pet Store.. consider the gecko they have just bought as a rescue. :main_huh:


Long Island Geckos
Mastic Beach, NY
Many of these big chain pet stores do a fine job keeping their herps. It has been a long time since I've seen a chameleon with sunken in eyes or snakes with shed issues.

In fact I have seen more poor treatment at shows and with private vendors that just see the animals as a commodity.

Whenever I have pointed out a care issue to someone at a big chain pet store they have addressed it. For the most part I don't think anyone there wants to see an animal being mistreated. At least they'd rather do the right thing than get in trouble.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
I am sure some of the big chain "hate" is from history... at some point the stores were all newbies too. Now, though, most of them have been established, made better work practices etc. The one near me that I go to is pretty clean and I have yet to see a animal just laying about looking horrible.

The worst petstore I saw was a mom and pop shop in the middle of noman's land... it was petstore from hell. Needless to say I didn't buy anything.


New Member
If you decide to keep them in the same tank it may be hard to tell if one is bullying the other and eating all the food. I would set some worms in the tank in a visible area and then quiet everything down and sit still and watch what happens. Might take a while, but hey - gotta do what you gotta do! Seeing it in action is really the only way to determine if BOTH of them are getting food while in the same area. In individual housing it's easy to tell they are both eating, but not so much when they are together. So, that'd be by route! Good luck!


New Member
Just a little suggestion... being an ass toward someone new looking for help doesn't help anyone. You might be an expert but scaring away everyone who needs to know the right kind of information is not going to help the animals at all.

You're right about one thing: being an ass doesn't help.

However, it's also completely wrong and not helpful for those people who have gone along with what's happened like it's completely fine and great, acting ignorant (or just being so) of the situation. This only encourages behavior and care that is wrong to continue. By calling someone out, they should at least realize that they need to take corrective action in their care. Whether or not they do this is now up to them.

Part of the hostility probably also arose out of the fact that the OP dared to declare himself a hero, whether it may be true or not. Anytime this happens, the person doing so opens themself to criticism if what they're doing is not completely "heroic," including behavior, care, etc.

In fact, the saying goes that true heroes never label themselves as such...a true hero only admits to doing their job or what was right. Such was the case when 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry called himself a hero, opening himself to waves to criticism and controversy, whether or not he actually was one, which was subject to interpretation.
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New Member
we have all made mistakes there is no need for anger although quarantine is always best especially because they are both juvi's as they mature their sex will become evident and if you have 2 females you in the clear male and female your ok but remember that leos are solitary reptiles they do better to 1 leo one tank and if there is a male and a female the male may put too much pressure on the female due to constant mating. two males are out of the question they will thunderdome it out for territory. many other types of geckos can have a male female pair but prepare for eggs from time to time. another tip if you want them together is try to find a pair of adults that are housed together but remember they still need to be quarantined from the rest of your collection for a month or so


New Member
Sheffield, UK
im a little late into this so im not gonna agree with any side, but just one thing to say to the OP: ... 'Learn from your mistake' :main_thumbsup:
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