camera eye photo?


New Member
Seminole, Fl
? if anyone will be able to help me here. I want to take some pics of a hatchlings eyes because they look weird but just cannot seem to get them in focus. I have a Cannon power shot A510 with 302 mega pixels. I've gone through the instruction book on all the macro settings and the best luck I've had is on macro, fast speed, but the eye still comes out blurry. I need a really clear pic like I've seen of other eye pics posted on here. Any suggestions or anyone familiar with this camera? Thanks.


Seminole, FL
302 megapixels? how much did that cost 10K.. i'm sure you meant 3.2.. LOL

Either way i had the same problem with some of my smaller cameras that were high pixel. What I did to help was put it on a stand or at least something solid like a couple of books and then lean down on it and not move the camera when i took the shot. We also covered a science fair board (you can get one at any craft shop for like 2$) with black fabric - 2.50 at that same shop and used that to bring out the color.

But the stand and less motion should help get better pics; some of those smaler pixel cams have a real problem with being shaky. I just went ahead and bought a really nice 10 meg with motion control and it saved the problem. 400$ bones though, but i wrote it off as a business expense..

hope that helps..


New Member
Seminole, Fl
Yup, meant 3.2. Hmm, maybe this year we can get another camera and write it off too. I was able to get some good ones that I think will work. It's hard getting a hatchling's eye in focus. They move around so fast and I'm not too keen on holding a hatchling and taking it's photo if I can help it. Adults sure, but not babies. Too flighty.

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