I'm new to this, and confused as to which type my Leo is. He's still a baby (about 3") and had reddish eyes. Take a look at the pics. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
Would that make it a "Bell albino"? I got him at PetSmart. I wouldn't usually get a pet from a chain, but the living conditions were excellent, clean, and staff was very helpful.
looks like a bell to me too. Those small little spots are the reason I say bell over tremper. I know that some petsmarts ONLY deal with tremper albinos and crosses, but your leo looks very "bell-ish" to me
WOW a Bell in a Petsmarts! Yes a Bell albino. There are three strains of albino in Leopard Geckos, Tremper, Rainwater aka Las Vegas, and Bell, all named after the breeders that first produced them. Bells are usually the easiest to tell out of the three, as they tend to be a little more spotty, redder eyes, and the pink color is more of a burgundy then a brownish.
I still think it's a Tremper because it was purchased at PetsMart. RT supplies most PetsMart stores. I have young Trempers that have very red eyes that become more pale as they mature.
Keep in mind some stores do buy from locals. I know that is the case to of many in Georgia when I speak with employees. I have actually had people to ask to by geckos I produce after long talks on what I do.
Tough call with the flashed out pics though. Marcia is right to say we can all agree on one thing, it's albino. :]