Can leopard geckos see red light?


New Member
North Carolina
Hey guys,

I was wondering what you guys think about using red night time bulbs for leos. I've heard that they can't see red light, but I also have heard that they actually can see it! So I don't know what to think! I use a heat pad as the primary heat source but I also use one of zoo meds red night bulbs at night so that I can see what my leos are up to. The bulb is a low wattage bulb so it doesn't really produce any heat, its just for viewing. If you guys have any thoughts or advice I would really appreciate it!


Well-Known Member
Massachusetts, United States
There appears to be evidence that geckos can see red light. Because of this, a lot of people recommend just putting on the red light when you want to watch the gecko and not leaving it running all night. You could also pick up a cheap timer and use it to run the red light for only a few hours, if your gecko seems to like it. From what I've read, some geckos hide from red lights while others seem to enjoy basking in them.

Reference: Reptile Lighting Information


New Member
NE Ohio
Yes, they can see it. I prefer using the black heat bulbs. They give off a slight purplish black tint that does not seem to bother them. The red lights noticeably bother my gecko.

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