Can you please double check my set up and care?


New Member
I currently have two baby cresties. They are in at least a 20 gallon high. I was worried about impaction so they are kept on paper towel. I mist the enclosure several times a day. They have a tree ornament, a chunk of cork bark, a little platform, and some little fake plants. I feed them pangea crested gecko diet every other day. The temperature has been around the low 70s due to my window getting jammed open but it is now fixed and temperatures should rise some. What temps should I aim for and does this sound alright? I am open to any concerns, tips, or suggestions. Thank you!


Greensboro, NC
I would make sure there are multiple feeding and watering spots. Babies in a big tank can have difficulty finding what it needs, specially if it find a favorite hide far from food.
I've always kept my cresties at room temp with an incandescent bulb on top for viewing. The temp stayed on the bottom stayed about 74-75 with the top of the tank being about 80-81. I had mine in a vertical 20 long.

Are you feeding every other day as in out in it, then take it out after some time? Or are you changing it out every other day? I've always kept greatest gecko diet in the tank 24/7, whether juvenile or adult, and then add a few dusted crickets a few times a week for babies and once a week for babies.
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